Word of the Month


After choosing Tenacity as my word of the year I looked at 2024 and my schedule / plans and realized I wanted to set each month up for success. Picking one word to focus on each month brings new and exiting challenges to complete away from work.

Q1 is the first 3 months of the year, and let’s be honest after the stress of the holidays and finishing out a year January can feel exhausting so choosing REFRESH & RENEW was perfect. That way I can enjoy the first month of the year by focusing on planning, enjoying this cold month indoors and not over do it. February having Valentine’s Day was just the perfect excuse to focus on a little bit of SELF-CARE.
March starting with an M gave me the inspiration to focus on MONEY {Finances}.

Q2 is very spring focused. April being Autism Awareness month only meant one thing – Choosing ADVOCATE for my word of the month. It’s a month where Maguire’s Purpose is my main focus with fundraising and our upcoming events coming into play.
May is going to be a fun month full of events that give me a break from the craziness I will be experiencing in April and since its Mental Health Awareness month I thought it only fitting that MENTAL HEALTH be my word and focus.
June is where spring comes to an end and brings summer to our focus. So I wanted to challenge myself and get creative and just CREATE. Do things I’ve always wanted to and finally complete some of those goals on my pinterest board.

July starts Q3 and of course since it’s my birthday month its my favorite so the only way to do July is to take the time to CELEBRATE. I plan to finally have a birthday party at my house with my friends and the girls from the Women’s Social Club.
August means the end of summer and the start of a crazy season for me but I felt like after all the relaxing and fun months it would be the perfect time to get into gear and focus on some of my main goals with my HEALTH & FITNESS. Who knows maybe i’ll do another 75 hard challenge to end summer.
September is the begging of fall and my favorite seasons, but with that it brings stress with work so the only way to start is to DECLUTTER my house and work space.

Q4 is the last 3 months of the year and crazy ones at that. I don’t know about you but my 3 favorite holidays are in these 3 months. With October being the prime time for fall activities and flavors the only word that was fitting was EXPLORE. Time to explore GR and all the fun fall things it brings.
November is the time to CONNECT. Connect with friends and family as its the perfect month to be thankful with Thanksgiving at the center focus.
December brings the last 31 days of 2024 and it’s the only time to sit back, PLAN & PREPARE for the upcoming year ahead and look back all that 2024 had to offer.

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